A coffee-based
health revolution

The revolution is brewing, and it lies in the fusion of coffee and vitamins, all within the ease of our daily routine.  It's time to reimagine our daily rituals, to harness the power of this groundbreaking combination, and embark on a transformative lifelong journey of health enhancement.


VITACAPS is dedicated to enhancing not only your health, but to the health of our planet. Our sustainability commitment is present in every aspect of our values. Home compostable capsules, organic Fairtrade coffees sourced from hand-selected farms, the purest vitamins and infusions, and bio-degradable packaging –drink your VITACAPS with an easy conscious. Help the environment, enjoy the brew.

We are proud to be part of the ‘The Green Ring Movement’ a Netherlands-based group who have redesigned the way we create and dispose of coffee capsules. VITACAPS capsules are fully plant-based and home-compostable. Dispose of them normally with household waste, and in most climates the capsules degrade to water within 21 days.

Coffee lies at the heart of our products, and our VITABLEND is simply the best. We’ve hand-selected the farms where we source the beans for our proprietary VITABLEND of Arabica and Robusta coffee strains to harmonize with our vitamin infusions. Our beans come only from farms that use sustainable practices and utilize only natural fertilizers for a light touch on the planet. Always hand -picked, always delicious.

VITACAPS beans, roasting, drying, and grinds – we craft meticulously to bring you the best cup of coffee you could wish for while treading lightly on the planet.

Proportional scientifically formulated high-potency powdered vitamin mixes are within each VITACAP, with lab-tested certifications of vitamin content after brewing.

Coffee cherries are a superfood health wonder, full of antioxidants. In powder form, its known as Cascara. VITACAPS is among the world leaders in using CASCARA as an ingredient in our blends.

73x the antioxidant content of blueberries. The third highest level of any food ever tested Boosts and protects brain cell regeneration (via BDNF), up to 143% within just two hours  The only substance known that produces any type of stem cell the body requires  Polyphenol powerhouse –massively increases immune response. Weight loss superfood – destroys fat cells at the same time suppressing the production of new fast cells – yes, this one actually works!

We are committed to striking the right balance between aesthetics and the use of renewable, recycled, and recyclable materials in all our capsules and packaging. With VITACAPS, we can enjoy a guilt-free cup coffee without harming the environment.

VITACAPS collaborates with organisations around the world:

  • ​The Rainforest Alliance is creating a more sustainable world by using social and market forces to protect nature and improve the lives of farmers and forest communities. 
  • Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.


VITACAPS was conceived over morning coffee in a villa on the energetic island Ibiza. We create products to meet the demands of those who cherish holistic well-being. By savoring a cup of our VITACAPS, you’re not only enjoying a delightful sip, but you’re also embracing a lifelong commitment to vitality, health, longevity, and sustainability

We all know that we are living in a world where our time is extremely precious. We understand that it is hard to keep up with a healthy lifestyle during busy times. VITACAPS simplifies your life… enjoy your coffee, enhance your health, with every sip.

We actively create a healthier world by focusing on nutrition, sustainability, fostering community, and giving back.

Having clear and easy access to essential vitamins and minerals provides the foundation for health, personal growth, education and a happy mind and body. That’s why we created products that empower you to enhance your health, every day.

Body and Mind Support

Body and Mind Support

Pure Vitamins

Pure Vitamins

Scientifically Backed

Scientifically Backed

Coffee Science

Coffee, a trendy elixir, is a powerhouse with perks like boosting energy, aiding weight control, improving athletic performance, and warding off chronic diseases. While certain groups should watch their intake, moderate consumption (around three to four cups daily) is generally deemed safe and linked to various health benefits.

An analysis of nearly 220 studies on coffee, published in the BM in 2017, found that coffee drinkers may enjoy more overall health benefits than people who don't drink coffee.

The analysis found that during the study period, coffee drinkers were 17% less likely to die early from any cause, 19% less likely to die of heart disease and 18% less likely to develop cancer than those who don't drink coffee.

Coffee contains caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant that is known for its ability to fight fatigue, increase energy levels and enhanced athletic performance. Caffeine naturally blocks the receptors of a neurotransmitter called adenosine which increases levels of other neurotransmitters in your brain that regulate your energy levels, including dopamine.

A 2012 study in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease by Florida researchers assessed caffeine levels in older adults with mild cognitive impairments. Two to four years later, those with caffeine levels equivalent to about three cups of coffee were less likely to have progressed to dementia compared to those with low or no caffeine intake.

Caffeine supports weight loss or prevents weight gain by:

  • Suppressing the appetite and temporarily reducing the desire to eat
  • Stimulating thermogenesis, so the body generates more heat and energy from digesting food

According to a study published in 2021 in the American Heart Association Journal Circulation: Heart Failure, drinking one or more daily cups of plain, caffeinated coffee was associated with a significant reduction in a person's long-term risk of heart failure.

Research suggests that coffee may contribute to longevity due to its various health benefits. A review of 40 studies indicated that consuming two to four cups daily was associated with a lower risk of death, independent of factors like age and weight.

Interestingly, a test-tube study demonstrated coffee's potential to extend yeast lifespan by safeguarding against free radicals and DNA damage.